Monday, January 3, 2011
Impending Move
Monday, January 18, 2010
Problem Statement
Families of deployed soldiers are frequently not aware of the numerous government and private resources available to them while their solders are in the field. Often, families do not live near a military base and are apart from the military community.
Evaluator Briefing:
Web Page:
Project Breifing:
Contact for a tour.
The Army Family Support Center can be accessed from the world "Harps" here are the instructrions:
- Go to
- Download and install the application
- On initial start up select "Autoconfigure"
- Sign on as a tourist
- You will arrive in AW Gate ask the Gatekeeper any questions
- Read the “How to move” web page
- Look on the left side for the Tabs
- Select the Worlds TabScroll down the list and select "Harps“
Click "Teleport" on the menu bar top left - Pull down to "make this my home"- The next time you turn AW on you will arrive in Harps.
Alternate method 1:
- Once in world, Click the "Teleport" word in the menu bar then To.(top left)
- A small window opens
- Put Harps in the world field and - 0 N 0W in the coordinate field
- Click OK and you will go directly there
Alternate method 2
- Sign on to ActiveWorldsCopy and paste this link below into the chat field press "Enter" key